Bella Bee Academy

4 Year Old Program

4 Year Old Program

Our 4 Year Old Program continues to develop the skills and concepts from our 2 Year Old and 3 Year Old Programs, as well as preparing students for Kindergarten.  Prior to the end of the school year, we will make a recommendation for your child to move on to Kindergarten or attend our Pre-Kindergarten Program.

The following options are available for the 4 Year Old Program:

  • Monday-Tuesday
  • Wednesday-Thursday-Friday
  • 5 Days

Classes are available for morning sessions only.

For rates, please see our Tuition page.


4 Year Old Program Curriculum


Emotional Growth

  • Provide a safe, healthy and secure environment away from home
  • Provide a welcoming atmosphere and become a significant, consistent adult in child’s life
  • Create an environment that encourages curiosity, discovery and exploration
  • Provide experiences that will increase child’s positive self-image, sense of competence and pride in accomplishments
  • Provide experiences to develop qualities of responsibility, initiative and independence
  • Provide opportunities to increase attention span, including practice working independently, sitting still, concentrating, following directions and persevering until a task is finished
  • Provide opportunities for responsibility for completion of weekly homework lessons


Cognitive Growth

  • Provide learning activities in literacy, language arts and math
    • receptive language
    • expressive language
    • creative writing activities using crayons, pencils, pens, markers, finger paints and water paints with small brushes
    • visual discrimination through matching, finding hidden objects, and sequencing
    • letter recognition
      • recognizing each letter in print
      • understanding the letter sound
      • finding the letter in the environment
      • expanding on letters in stories and vocabulary
      • proper letter formation in print
      • ability to properly write own name
    • Number recognition
      • rote counting to 25
      • writing and understanding the numbers up to 20
      • beginning understanding numbers on the number line
      • correspondence counting and number meaning
      • graphing
      • patterning
      • memory skills
  • Provide learning experiences in science
    • growing and the care of living things
    • cooking activities
    • gathering and collecting things from nature
    • simple experiments
  • Provide a wide range of art and music activities
  • Facilitate creative and make-believe play
    • with objects
    • about situations
    • assuming pretend roles
    • interacting with other children


Social Growth

  • Encourage building friendships among all class members
  • Encourage sharing and taking turns
  • Encourage and model understanding and respecting differences
  • Encourage child to accept responsibility for maintaining classroom environment
  • Encourage child to work cooperatively with others
  • Encourage child to resolve conflicts constructively
  • Provide child opportunities to practice thoughtfulness and giving
  • Encourage child to take responsibility for own actions
  • Encourage expressive language over physical confrontation


Physical Growth

  • Provide opportunities for large muscle development, muscle and limb control
  • Provide opportunities for small muscle development
  • Provide opportunities to develop spatial skills, hand-eye coordination, balance and coordination
  • Encourage good habits of health and safety


Spiritual Growth

While Bella Bee Academy maintains a non-faith based environment, we do teach rules of life and good citizenship:

  • Encourage and model showing love for one another
  • Guide in development of ecological values and concern for our world
  • Help children recognize the differences and likenesses in people and show acceptance
  • Provide learning experiences about each holiday
  • Introduce rituals of thankfulness and concern

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