Bella Bee Academy

2 Year Old Program

2 Year Old Program

Our 2 Year Old Program lays the foundation for your child’s school experience at Bella Bee and beyond.

The following options are available for the 2 Year Old Program:

  • Wednesday only
  • Monday-Tuesday
  • Thursday-Friday
  • Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday
  • Wednesday-Thursday-Friday

Classes are available for morning  sessions only.

For rates, please see our Tuition page.



2 Year Old Program Curriculum


Emotional Growth

  • Provide a safe, healthy, secure and welcoming environment away from home
  • Provide a welcoming atmosphere of joy and warmth for the child
  • Nurture and become a significant, consistent adult in child’s life
  • Create an environment that encourages curiosity and exploration
  • Provide experiences to increase child’s sense of competence
  • Provide experiences to develop qualities of responsibility

Cognitive Growth

  • Provide activities to promote language development
  • Provide activities to promote sequencing skills
  • Provide opportunities to learn expressive language through singing songs, conversation, role play, pretend and dramatic play, peer interaction and circle time
  • Provide activities to promote visual discrimination with colors and matching colors, simple objects or pictures
  • Invite interest in books and reading by reading, encouraging children to hold and explore books and to “read” using pictures and memory
  • Provide opportunities to express self through music, art and movement

Social Growth

  • Encourage beginning cooperative play, sharing and taking turns
  • Encourage independence (leaves parents comfortably)
  • Encourage responsibility of maintaining classroom environment
  • Encourage respect for teacher, classmates and others

Physical Growth

  • Provide activities to promote large muscle development
  • Provide activities to promote small muscle development and hand-eye coordination
  • Demonstrate and encourage good habits of health and safety

Spiritual Growth

While Bella Bee Academy maintains a non-faith environment, we do teach rules of life and good citizenship:

  • Encourage and model showing love for one another and being a good friend
  • Introduce rituals of thankfulness and concern

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